
Swim Lessons

Toddler | Preschool | SCHOOL AGE

Swim Lessons - Skills for Life

With a focus on water safety and skill development, the YMCA Swim Lesson program is effective at helping children and adults learn to swim and, most importantly, be safe around water.

The Y was the first organization to establish certification programs for lifesaving, swimming and aquatic instruction, and it's a tradition we're proud to continue today.

Antigo Swim Lessons

  • 3 Week Session - meet twice a week.
  • Class Fee: $30
  • There are no refunds for Swim Lessons

Swim Lesson Location:
Clara R Mckenna Aquatic Center
111 Western Ave., Antigo, WI 54409

Antigo Aquatics Center 715-627-0497
or Email: Ben Wisniewski
Operations Director of Satellite Locations


2024 Swim Lessons

Class Sessions are 2 Times a Week for 3 Weeks
Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday
6 Classes Total - Cost is $30

Fall 1: Monday, September 9 to Thursday, September 26th
Registration opens: Friday, August 23rd at 12pm

Fall 2: Monday, October 7th- Thursday, October 24th
Registration opens: Friday, September 27th at 12pm

Fall 3: Monday, November 4th- Thursday, November 21st
Registration opens: Friday, October 25th at 12pm

Fall 4: Monday, December 2nd- Thursday, December 19th
Registration opens: Friday, November 22nd at 12pm


Register with link above or call:
Antigo Aquatic Center:  715-627-0497

Antigo Swim Lesson Registration is Now on Civic Rec.


What Swim Lesson Class is right for my child?

This link will help you to determine the correct class for your child.


Swim Starters

Swim Starters is for parents to be part of their childs water exploration.

Ages 6 Months to 3 Years


Water Safety Stage 1

Stage 1 is for children not yet comfortable going underwater voluntarily.

Ages 3-12


Water Safety Stage 2

Stage 2 is for children able to go underwater on their own.

Ages 3-12


Water Safety Stage 3

Stage 3 is for children able to stay on the surface of the water unassisted for short distances & go underwater on their own.

Ages 3-12


Swim Development

Your child needs to have passed out of Stage 3 or have the fundamental skills to be able to move a distance of 10 yards on the surface of the water independently on their front and on their back.

Ages 5-12


Swim Opportunities

Antigo Penguins Swim Team
Our program teaches competitive swimming to area children ages 6-18.

Swim Starters

Ages 6 Months to 3 Years

Parent/Child Class

Swim Starters is for parents to be part of their childs water exploration.

Bablies & toddlers will learn water safety. Parent will help child gain comfort through fun games and group interaction.

Swim Starters: 30 Minute Class
Swim Lessons meet twice a week for 3 weeks.

Class Fee: $30

Antigo Swim Starters

Fall 1: September 9 - September 26
Fall 2: October 7 - October 24
Fall 3: November 4 - November 21
Fall 4: December 2 - December 19
Monday & Wednesday5:00-5:30 PM
Tuesday & Thursday10:00-10:30 AM

Water Safety Stage 1

Ages 3-12

Stage 1 is for children not yet comfortable going underwater voluntarily.

If your 3 year old is not comfotable in the water without you, please sign them up for Swim Starters.

Stage 1 Goals

  • Increase child’s comfort in the water.
  • Introduction to floating (body balance). 
  • Child learns basic self rescue skills, to submerge and resurface independently.

Water Safety Stage 1: 30 Minute Class
Swim Lessons meet twice a week for 3 weeks.

Class Fee: $30

Antigo Stage 1

Fall 1: September 9 - September 26
Fall 2: October 7 - October 24
Fall 3: November 4 - November 21
Fall 4: December 2 - December 19
Monday & Wednesday 5:35-6:05 PM

Water Safety Stage 2

Ages 3-12 Based on Swim Level

Stage 2 is for children able to go underwater on their own.

Stage 2 Goals

  • Child learns balanced, independent forward movement on top of the water.
  • Independently recovers from vertical to horizonal.
  • Children will repeat this class until they have the essential skills needed to advance.

Water Safety Stage 2: 30 Minute Class
Swim Lessons meet twice a week for 3 weeks.

Class Fee: $30

Anitgo Stage 2

Fall 1: September 9 - September 26
Fall 2: October 7 - October 24
Fall 3: November 4 - November 21
Fall 4: December 2 - December 19
Monday & Wednesday5:00-5:30 PM
Monday & Wednesday6:10-6:40 PM
Tuesday & Thursday10:45-11:15 AM

Water Safety Stage 3

Ages 3-12 Based on Swim Level

Stage 3 is for children able to stay on the surface of the water unassisted for short distances and go underwater on their own.

Stage 3 Goals

  • Child learns efficient forward movement on the water and is able to roll body from front to back independently.
  • Stage 3 is often multiple sessions until passed by the instructor.
  • Swim, float, swim 25 yards
  • Tread water for 1 minute
  • Children will repeat this class until they have the essential skills needed to advance.

Water Safety Stage 3: 30 Minute Class
Swim Lessons meet twice a week for 3 weeks.

Class Fee: $30

Anitgo Stage 3

Fall 1: September 9 - September 26
Fall 2: October 7 - October 24
Fall 3: November 4 - November 21
Fall 4: December 2 - December 19
Monday & Wednesday5:35-6:05 PM

Swim Development

Ages 5-12 Based on Swim Level

Your child needs to have passed out of Stage 3 or have the fundamental skills to be able to move a distance of 10 yards on the surface of the water independently on their front and on their back.

Development Goals

  • Child learns efficient swimming skills so they can swim longer distances using less energy.
  • Children will be taught to utilize their whole body to be balanced on top of the water.
  • Core to stabilize, arms to anchor out in front and legs to propel forward. 
  • Children will repeat this class until they have the essential skills needed.

Swim Development: 30 Minute Class
Swim Lessons meet twice a week for 3 weeks.

Class Fee: $30

Antigo Swim Development

Fall 1: September 9 - September 26
Fall 2: October 7 - October 24
Fall 3: November 4 - November 21
Fall 4: December 2 - December 19
Monday & Wednesday6:10-6:40 PM

Antigo Penguins Swim Team

Our program teaches competitive swimming skills to area children ages 6-18. The Penguins maintain an emphasis at "entry level" which means we keep the fun in swimming for your children.

The Penguin staff encourages participation without pressure.They teach and explain with detail, motivate with reassurance, and challenge for improvement.

The Penguin program is based on the philosophy of attracting kids to the pool, offering opportunities to learn then developing excellence through practice, experience and guidance!