Workout Anytime at the Aspirus Branch in Weston
- 24 Hours Wellness Center Access
- 24 Hour Gym Access
- Only $5 Per Month Per Member
- One time $20 Key Fob Fee
24 Hour Access Requirements
- Adult Members of the Woodson YMCA who are 18+
- Required to Sign a 24 Hour Access Waiver
It’s easy to add 24/7 Access to your account!
Visit the Member Services Desk at the Aspirus or Wausau Branch.
The Access Key can be purchased during staffed hours of operation at the Aspirus or Wausau Branch.
Aspirus Wellness Center
Our Wellness Center is stocked with Matrix Cardio and Weight Training Consoles. In addition our Weight Center is fully equipped to meet your weightlifting needs 24/7.
24 Hours Location
Woodson YMCA - Aspirus Branch
3402 Howland Avenue, Weston
Call 715-845-1850
Not available at the Wausau Branch.
Sign Up! It’s easy to add 24/7 Access to your account!
Stop by the Member Services Desk at the Aspirus or Wausau Branch and apply.

Safety & Security
The Woodson YMCA - Aspirus Branch 24-Hour Wellness Center is protected by our advanced security and video surveillance system for security purposes.
It will be reviewed on a daily basis to address any security concerns and monitor who is using our 24 Hour Aspirus Branch facility.
Please note that this system does not provide staffing assistance for any emergency that might arise.
We highly recommend that you exercise with another 24/7 Access Member when using the facility outside of staffed hours.
Please be aware that your key fob is to be used only for your own personal entrance into the facility outside of staffed hours of operation.
Members with 24/7 ACCESS cannot grant access to other individuals, even if they are Woodson YMCA Members and known to you. This is so the Y can track who is in the building at all times.
Granting access to another individual will result in the Member losing 24 Hour Access and possible termination of their Y Membership.
Snow Removal
Snow removal will not be enforced until staffed hours of operation, possibly later due to certain weather conditions.
Members with 24/7 ACCESS can utilize the Wellness Center, but at their own risk from the elements.
Age Requirements
24 Hour Access to the Woodson YMCA Aspirus Branch Wellness Center is for Woodson YMCA Members only, 18 years of age and older. It is not available for group memberships or short term memberships.
Guest Policy
Guests are welcome to use The Woodson YMCA facilities, during staffed hours of operation, by paying the appropriate day pass fee upon arrival.
Guests will not be allowed 24/7 ACCESS, as it is for Current Woodson YMCA Members only.
Honor Code
With the additions of 24 Hour Access to our Wellness Center, The Woodson YMCA is adopting a strict honor code based on Y Values of Honesty, Respect, Caring and Responsibility.
If a Y Member fails to abide by the guidelines established, their 24/7 ACCESS and potentially their Membership will be revoked with no refunds given. These guidelines are in place for the safety and security of our Members. Deviations from our values are deemed inappropriate to our mission.
Access Key
Each adult Member wanting 24/7 ACCESS is required to purchase their own Key Fob and must use it to gain access outside of staffed hours of operation.
The Access Key Fob may not be shared with other Members (including family). Doing so would be a violation of our guidelines and will result in losing 24/7 Access to the Woodson YMCA and possible termination of Membership.
Your Key Fob is unique to your Membership and will allow access as long as your Membership remains current. Should you lose or damage your fob, report it to the Y immediately. A replacement key fob can be purchased for $20.
To access the Wellness Center, hold the key fob up to the reader to the right of the door, you will hear the door activate and see the reader light turn from red to green when the key fob is read.
Upon activation, pull on the door to gain access, there is a 5 second time limit.
To exit the Y, simply walk out the same door you came in by pushing on the door to exit.
Do not hold the door for anyone, as they will need to use their key fob for access.